Saturday, May 16, 2009

What a baby we have!

We went to the library yesterday and Jonas really enjoyed going!  My mom wanted to go buy shoes so we went to a shoe store.  Jonas thought that was fun.  He is so funny sometimes.

We got home and just hung out at home all day.  Tinzley just hung around with us eating, sleeping, and staring at her big brother who is so loud!

She got woken up by her screaming big brother around 6 which threw her off her schedule.  So, we fed her at 7:30 and put her down which made me nervous because it was so early.  I decided to go to bed with her.  She ended up sleeping until 1:15!!!  Tom got up and fed her and she went back down around 1:50.  She then slept until 7:00 this morning.  She is spoiling us and I just keep waiting for her to decide to give us a run for our money!  I am trying to enjoy it while I can.

I get pretty nervous and anxious every night before bed time.  She surprises me every night though by letting us get some sleep.  I am also getting worried about my mom leaving.  It has been such a blessing to have her here and I know Jonas is going to miss her maybe more than the rest of us.  He really has gotten very attached.  
I have one more week of daycare and then it is all me all summer!!!

My mom will be back June 13th and stay for 2-3 weeks.  We just have to make it until she gets back!  :)
Again, I thank all of you who are praying for us and taking care of us!  We feel blessed by our growing family!!!