Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Trip Home/VBS/Christina's Visit

So excited for VBS!

She is so smiley!

Wow what a crazy month it has been. We were in Wisconsin for two weeks. While I was up there I got to visit with lots of old friends and it was so much fun. I talked my friend Christina in to coming back with us to Alabama for a few days. She came down with us and her and my mom left this morning. We had so much fun having her here. We also started VBS at our church on Sunday and Jonas LOVES it. He gets so excited and is hard to calm down when we get home.

Tinzley did really well on the trip up to Wisconsin. She did good on the way back but she was done being in the car after 8 hours. The drive ta
kes 13. So she cried off and on the last 4 hours home. It was not so bad but not enjoyable either.
We played some fun word games to pass the time. Jonas was very good in the car both ways. He just sits and sucks on his blankets and entertains the rest of us.

Happy girl in
the car!

Here are some pictures of the trip home, VBS night, and Christina's visit.
While she was here we got to go to a pool party
which Jonas also LOVED.
Jonas loves Miss "Chrinsa"
Swimming at the Pool Party


Ryla said...

that is so great that Chirstina was able to come back with you!! How much fun!