Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dr. Visit

Tinzley went to the doctor today for her 2 month check up. She weighed in at 12 lbs and is 24 inches long. The doctor seemed very pleased with her progress. She also got a lot of shots today. She did really well though.

We have had three very busy days. Tuesday we stayed home and caught up on sleep and cleaning. I had so much laundry to do! We then had VBS that night. Jonas just absolutely loves VBS!

Yesterday we went to the library for storytime with our good friend Shelly and her daughter, Tess, and son, Hudson. Tess and Jonas usually are very shy and quiet at story time but not this time. They were the loudest ones there. This I guess is a good and bad thing. Then afterwards we were trying to round them up and Jonas ran into another little girl there. No big deal except she started crying. Oh, kids! We then came back to our house for a little playtime outside. Jonas and Tess had so much fun!! They even danced to HSM in the garage. So cute!
We had our last night of VBS last night and Jonas was the donut king and ate 2 1/2 donuts at snack time. I am so proud! :P He is always entertaining his teachers. They always have a story to tell.

Today we went to Shelly's house to play again. We were going to go to their pool but it was too late. Jonas and Tinzley slept in so we did not get there as soon as we wanted. Oh well. Jonas and Tess again had so much fun playing. I then took Jonas to Ms. Jodi's house while I took Tinzley to her Doctor appointment. Both kids did great!
Now both kids are napping and Tom and I are planning to take them to the grocery store tonight. We will see how it goes!


Ryla said...

It sounds like you have had some very busy days, well a very busy summer!! But it sounds like you are having a great time!!

Tinzley is not that far behind Judson in weight, he is not putting on the weight like they think he should, but I just think he is going to be small. It would be funny to have them together though.