Sunday, August 2, 2009

Trip to St. Louis

We went to St. Louis this weekend for our 6th anniversary. We stayed with my cousin and her family. My mom also met us there so she could watch the kids while we went into the city. We got there Friday afternoon and Jonas and Manny, his second cousin, became fast friends. Tom and I went into St. Louis that night to see a concert under the Arch. We saw Guster play. It was amazing. The concert and just the atmosphere of where we were.
Saturday we woke up the and Rachel and Ed suggested the boys go to the zoo and the girls go shopping. Jonas and Manny rode the train at the zoo. Tinzley and I walked around and looked at little shops with Rachel, Nola, and my Mom. It was a
lot of fun but tiring.
That night Tom, Jonas, and I went to a Cardin
als game. Jonas was very excited until the first home run when they shot off fireworks. He was also afraid of the lightning on the screen when they say "Charge". He finally came around around the 8th inning. The Cardinals won 3-1 so it was a great game. We then took the advice of Ed and Rachel and went to Ted Drewes (spelling?) It was this custard stand on historic Route 66 and it is the place to go after Cardinals games. Jonas loved that part. We then slept in this morning and drove all day home.
Tinzley stayed with my mom while we went to the concert and the game. She did really well sleeping and traveling in the car. She was also very good on our day out shopping.
Here are some pics from our weekend.

Also, she rolled over three times when we were there so I got pictures of that too.
123 She did it, and she was so proud!